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9-9的女生,托福94 ssat2130 82% 二胡九级,珠心算九级,会民族舞,马术,射击,高尔夫,网球等。得过国家级绘画奖一等奖和市级计算机表演一等奖等。性格外向,优点是是leadership, self-study, independent living, strong resolution. 这是我申请的学校, 请各位专家评估, 因为Lawrenceville有过tour guide,choate 和 concord 还有middlesex之前与面试官面试过并且一直保持联系所以作为了冲刺校。
1. The Lawrenceville School 2. St. Mark’s School
3. Brooks School 4. Miss Porter School
5. The Governor’s Academy 6. Westover School
7. Westminster School 8. Loomis Chaffee School
9. Blair Academy 10. Emma Willard School
11. The Stony Brook School 12. Tabor Academy
13. Dana Hall 14. Hun school of Princeton 15. Concord Acedemy
16. Chaote Rosemary Hall 17. Middlesex School

Sara Chen 通过 网站 提问于2014-01-07 20:13:00

