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学校怎样运营住家项目(How School Operates the Home Stay Program) 已结束
北京时间 2018年07月12日 21:00 - 22:00


来自宾州费城Germantown Friends School的三位老师介绍学校如何运营住家项目


Germantown Friends School (Philadelphia, PA), Ms. Penka Slavova, Ms. Joy Kushner and Ms. Lynne Tucker.

Ms. Penka Slavova任职Germantown Friends School国际生项目的生活协调员已有两年,同时也是该校三年级助教。Penka原籍保加利亚,毕业于New York University和Bank St. College of Education,曾在意大利,新西兰和美国居住,很高兴能负责本校来自中国国际学生方面的工作。
Ms. Penka Slavova has been working with the International Student Program as Coordinator of International Student Life for the past two years.  She is also a third grade assistant at Germantown Friends School.  Penka is a graduate of New York University and Bank St. College of Education and is orignially from Bulgaria.  She has lived in Italy, New Zealand and the United States and is thrilled to be working with International Students from China at GFS.

Ms. Joy Kushner是Germantown Friends School国际生项目创办人和主任,在学校任职已有12年教授写作,ESL课程,并在过去的4年里开办了国际生项目。Joy本科和硕士分别毕业于Lawrence University和Hunter College, New York。她本人曾在芬兰和克罗地亚居住,并在肯尼亚教授英语,后在波士顿和纽约曼哈顿教授ESL。 Ms. Joy Kushner is the founder and Director of the International Student Program (ISP). She has been at GFS for 12 years tutoring writing, teaching ESL, and for the past four years, establishing the ISP.   She has a BA in English from Lawrence University and an MA  in TESOL from Hunter College, New York.  Joy has lived in Finland, Croatia, and has taught English in Kenya.  She has taught ESL in Boston and Manhattan.

Ms. Lynne Tucker, Director of Middle School and International Admissions, 学校初中部和国际生招生部主任。

Ms. Siyu Chen, 担任本次讲座翻译, FindingSchool美高专家


Germantown Friends School学校自主运营住家项目信息介绍


北京时间 7月12日 周四 晚9:00-10:00



