最新短评 (21)
  • 杜克老师
    5 / 5

    学校坐落在杉洛‬矶的Niche A+ , 寄宿学校

    有帮助(0) 无帮助(0) 2022-06-09
  • 圣约翰博斯克男校成立于1940年,是一所位于加利福尼亚州的天主教走读高中。我曾经走访过该校,学校的理工科很强开设了很多理工科的课程,适合将来想要学习计算机和工程类的学生。


    1、St. John Bosco 的大学预科课程被广泛认为是大主教管区最具前瞻性和创新性的学术学校,根据每个学生的兴趣为学生提供 AP 和荣誉课程、竞赛和选修课。

    2、大学申请团队不错,St. John Bosco 的专业顾问团队亲自了解每个学生,并帮助他们弄清楚在开始大学搜索时应该考虑什么。

    3、学校提供 28 门 AP 和荣誉课程、30 多个俱乐部和组织以及 6 种学术途径:生物医学、计算机科学、工程、创业、电影和媒体艺术以及运动医学。

    4、体育很棒,Bosco运动员通过他们的奉献精神、认真的努力和品格,赢得了 129 次联赛冠军、18 次 CIF 冠军、4 次 SoCal 地区冠军、9 次州冠军和 2 次全国冠军。


    有帮助(2) 无帮助(0) 2022-06-02
  • It's a very high competing school in many ways. Their sports teams are amazing and it is very cool to say that I go to the school that has the number one football team for high school football. I love the atmosphere and the brotherhood community. I've continued my journey throughout high school, an all boys campus is something I've tend to grow fond of. Overall, I love my school and I am happy that my parents sacrificed for me to go here.

    有帮助(1) 无帮助(0) 2022-05-06
  • 匿名用户
    5 / 5

    I am a transfer student currently studying at BOSCO, which has a welcoming environment for international students and the teachers are very welcoming. This has made it easy for me to make friends. At the same time, they offer many courses to choose from that have prepared me for university. Also, BOSCO has food, and the quality is very good. I also feel very safe at the school. There is very little violence, and the security is very good. Overall, I am very happy with my transfer to BOSCO.

    有帮助(1) 无帮助(0) 2022-04-06
  • I am an international student from Shenzhen, China. After passing the online virtual interview, students can soon receive their I-20 and F-1 Visa. At Bosco, I was able to participate in many AP classes and college-level programs, including Business, Law, Science, Math, Healthcare, and Engineering. Teachers and counselors have been supportive and friendly. It has special sessions to help us get familiar with the community. The school is in a safe location. There's a big plaza nearby.

    有帮助(0) 无帮助(0) 2022-04-05
  • 以下点评只针对注册用户开放!

  • 匿名用户
    5 / 5

    I came from a public school and transferred into St. John Bosco during the sophomore year. The school atmosphere was a breathe of fresh air. Teachers and staff have a true sense of care for the students that I didn't find at my previous school. I wasn't a very religious child, but St. John Bosco didn't treat me worse because of this fact. This is a institution for not only religious children, but children who want to better themselves outside of the classroom. Amazing sports teams and clubs.

    有帮助(1) 无帮助(0) 2022-04-03
  • 匿名用户
    1 / 5


    有帮助(0) 无帮助(2) 2021-12-13
  • 1591***3662
    5 / 5


    有帮助(1) 无帮助(0) 2021-10-22
  • 匿名用户
    5 / 5

    It is a great school fir academic, students activities and sports.

    有帮助(1) 无帮助(0) 2021-10-21
  • 5622***8007
    5 / 5

    St.John Bosco High School是一个非常优质的学校,(该学校有30多个AP的课程,为所有大学预科课程)
    - 可以为考大学做好准备
    - 学术的衔接课程还设有(生物医学科学,计算机科学,商业/创业,工程,电影和传媒媒体艺术,运动医学)
    - 100%的毕业率被大学录取
    - 校园安全(学校的环境和社区可以使学生感受到非常的舒适并且周边环境也非常安全)
    - 世界一流的田径运动(棒球,篮球,游泳和足球等顶级运动项目)
    - 校园俱乐部(机器人,演讲和辩论,模拟审判等)
    - 与姐妹学校也有合作(舞蹈,文化活动,社交研讨会等)

    有帮助(3) 无帮助(0) 2021-10-20
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