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首先,在美国本科的申请当中,申请文书是一个至关重要的因素。在申请这个Holistic Review (整体评价)的过程中,文书无疑是最好的,甚至是唯一能够让学生直接展示自己性格,思想和价值观的材料。惠宜美本团队的多位前招生官也曾经表示,他们更加喜欢真情实感,有鲜明风格(搞笑,伤感或艺术等)的文书;也曾经有过因为出色的文书而将学生推荐给委员会作为录取后补的经历。另外,《纽约时报》每年文书评选都有不同的主题,包含生活的各个方面;并且学生背景也非常多样对于目标不同背景不同的广大留学生群体极有参考价值



文书作者:Hoseong Nam

毕业学校:Hanoi, Vietnam — British Vietnamese International School

Despite the loud busking music, arcade lights and swarms of people, it was hard to be distracted from the corner street stall serving steaming cupfuls of tteokbokki — a medley of rice cake and fish cake covered in a concoction of hot sweet sauce. I gulped when I felt my friend tugging on the sleeve of my jacket, anticipating that he wanted to try it. After all, I promised to treat him out if he visited me in Korea over winter break.


The cups of tteokbokki, garnished with sesame leaves and tempura, was a high-end variant of the street food, nothing like the kind from my childhood. Its price of 3,500 Korean won was also nothing like I recalled, either, simply charged more for being sold on a busy street. If I denied the purchase, I could console my friend and brother by purchasing more substantial meals elsewhere. Or we could spend on overpriced food now to indulge in the immediate gratification of a convenient but ephemeral snack.


At every seemingly inconsequential expenditure, I weigh the pros and cons of possible purchases as if I held my entire fate in my hands. To be generously hospitable, but recklessly drain the travel allowance we needed to stretch across two weeks? Or to be budgetarily shrewd, but possibly risk being classified as stingy? That is the question, and a calculus I so dearly detest.

每一笔看似无关紧要的支出,我都会权衡可能购买的东西的利弊,就好像我的命运掌握在自己手中一样。慷慨好客,却不顾一切地花掉我们两周的差旅费? 或者在预算上精打细算,但可能会被归类为吝啬? 这个问题让我深恶痛绝。

Unable to secure subsequent employment and saddled by alimony complications, there was no room in my dad’s household to be embarrassed by austerity or scraping for crumbs. Ever since I was taught to dilute shampoo with water, I’ve revised my formula to reduce irritation to the eye. Every visit to a fast-food chain included asking for a sheet of discount coupons — the parameters of all future menu choice — and a past receipt containing the code of a completed survey to redeem for a free cheeseburger. Exploiting combinations of multiple promotions to maximize savings at such establishments felt as thrilling as cracking war cryptography, critical for minimizing cash casualties.


However, while disciplined restriction of expenses may be virtuous in private, at outings, even those amongst friends, spending less — when it comes to status — paradoxically costs more. In Asian family-style eating customs, a dish ordered is typically available to everyone, and the total bill, regardless of what you did or did not consume, is divided evenly. Too ashamed to ask for myself to be excluded from paying for dishes I did not order or partake in, I’ve opted out of invitations to meals altogether. I am wary even of meals where the inviting host has offered to treat everyone, fearful that if I only attended “free meals” I would be pinned as a parasite.


Although I can now conduct t-tests to extract correlations between multiple variables, calculate marginal propensities to import and assess whether a developing country elsewhere in the world is at risk of becoming stuck in the middle-income trap, my day-to-day decisions still revolve around elementary arithmetic. I feel haunted, cursed by the compulsion to diligently subtract pennies from purchases hoping it will eventually pile up into a mere dollar, as if the slightest misjudgment in a single buy would tip my family’s balance sheet into irrecoverable poverty.


Will I ever stop stressing over overspending?


I’m not sure I ever will.


But I do know this. As I handed over 7,000 won in exchange for two cups of tteokbokki to share amongst the three of us — my friend, my brother and myself — I am reminded that even if we are not swimming in splendor, we can still uphold our dignity through the generosity of sharing. Restricting one’s conscience only around ruminating which roads will lead to riches risks blindness toward rarer wealth: friends and family who do not measure one’s worth based on their net worth. Maybe one day, such rigorous monitoring of financial activity won’t be necessary, but even if not, this is still enough.







文书作者:Adrienne Coleman

毕业学校:Locust Valley, N.Y. — Friends Academy

“Pull down your mask, sweetheart, so I can see that pretty smile.”


I returned a well-practiced smile with just my eyes, as the eight guys started their sixth bottle of Brunello di Montalcino. Their carefree banter bordered on heckling. Ignoring their comments, I stacked dishes heavy with half-eaten rib-eye steaks and truffle risotto. As I brought their plates to the dish pit, I warned my female co-workers about the increasingly drunken rowdiness at Table 44.


This was not the first time I’d felt uncomfortable at work. When I initially presented my résumé to the restaurant manager, he scanned me up and down, barely glancing at the piece of paper. “Well, you’ve got no restaurant experience, but you know, you package well. When can you start?” I felt his eyes burn through me. That’s it? No pretense of a proper interview? “Great,” I said, thrilled at the prospect of earning good money. At the same time, reduced to the way I “package,” I felt degraded.

这不是我第一次在工作中感到不舒服。一开始我把我的简历提交给餐厅经理时,他上下打量了我一下,几乎没有看简历。“嗯,你没有餐馆的经验,但是你知道,你长得不错。你什么时候可以开始上班?” 我感到他的眼睛灼烧着我的身体。就这? 没有假装成正式的采访? “太好了,”我说,想到能挣到好多钱,我就激动不已。与此同时,沦落到我“包装”自己的方式,我觉得自己受到了贬低。

I thought back to my impassioned feminist speech that won the eighth-grade speech contest. I lingered on the moments that, as the leader of my high school’s F-Word Club, I had redefined feminism for my friends who initially rejected the word as radical. But in these instances, I realized how my notions of equality had been somewhat theoretical — a passion inspired by the words of Malala and R.B.G. — but not yet lived or compromised.


The restaurant has become my real-world classroom, the pecking order transparent and immutable. All the managers, the decision makers, are men. They set the schedules, determine the tip pool, hire pretty young women to serve and hostess, and brazenly berate those below them. The V.I.P. customers are overwhelmingly men, the high rollers who drop thousands of dollars on drinks, and feel entitled to palm me, a 17-year-old, their phone numbers rolled inside a wad of cash.


Angry customers, furious they had mistakenly received penne instead of pane, initially rattled me. I have since learned to assuage and soothe. I’ve developed the confidence to be firm with those who won’t wear a mask or are breathtakingly rude. I take pride in controlling my tables, working 13-hour shifts and earning my own money. At the same time, I’ve struggled to navigate the boundaries of what to accept and where to draw the line. When a staff member continued to inappropriately touch me, I had to summon the courage to address the issue with my male supervisor. Then, it took weeks for the harasser to get fired, only to return to his job a few days later.


When I received my first paycheck, accompanied by a stack of cash tips, I questioned the compromises I was making. In this physical and mental space, I searched for my identity. It was simple to explore gender roles in a classroom or through complex characters in a Kate Chopin novel. My heroes, trailblazing women such as Simone de Beauvoir and Gloria Steinem, had paved the road for me. In my textbooks, their crusading is history. But the intense Saturday night crucible of the restaurant, with all the unwanted phone numbers, catcalls and wandering hands, jolted me into an unavoidable reckoning with feminism in a professional world.


Often, I’ve felt shame; shame that I wasn’t as vocal as my heroes; shame that I feigned smiles and silently pocketed the cash handed to me. Yet, these experiences have been a catalyst for personal and intellectual growth. I am learning how to set boundaries and to use my professional skills as a means of empowerment.

我常常感到羞愧; 遗憾的是我不能像我的英雄们那样大声疾呼; 羞愧的是,我假装微笑,默默地把递给我的现金装进了口袋。然而,这些经历一直是个人和智力成长的催化剂。我正在学习如何设定界限,并利用我的专业技能作为给自己助力的手段。

Constantly re-evaluating my definition of feminism, I am inspired to dive deeply into gender studies and philosophy to better pursue social justice. I want to use politics as a forum for activism. Like my female icons, I want to stop the burden of sexism from falling on young women. In this way, I will smile fully — for myself.














 PrepEdu Consulting LLC(IECA)NACACEMAEMA 2019宿

JingJing宿Jing访西150Deerfield Academy 西 (Westtown School)  (St. Pauls School) 


PrepEdu Consulting LLC
395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404
Waltham,MA 02451, USA


波士顿惠宜教育(PrepEdu Consulting LLC)由留美化学博士荆晶 (Jing Jing Ph.D)领衔创立,全心致力于协助华裔孩子申请进入美国顶尖的私立初中、高中及本科服务。Jing博士是全职留学升学顾问,美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)专业资深会员,顶尖私立寄宿美高妈妈,亲自实地走访过美国东西部150多所学校,和美东多所私立学校招生官有密切联系。其团队成员背景强大,均毕业于哈佛大学,纽约大学,复旦大学等中外名校。 近年来,Jing博士团队辅导的学生申请进入Phillips Academy Andover, Phillips Exeter Academy, St. Paul's School, Groton School, Taft School, St. Mark's School, Noble and Greenough School, BB&N school, Fay School, Fessenden School, Eaglebrook School,MIT,Caltech, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University, UIUC 等多所顶尖学校和大学。仅2019申请季,荆博士团队取得18枚寄宿美初录取,37枚寄宿美高录取,及47枚美本录取。其中寄宿美初录取数居中美机构榜首。
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