韦伯中学 The Webb Schools
4.8 / 5 (68 点评)
A- 升学
B+ 学术
B 课外
A- 地理社区
A 点评
A+ 中国学生管理
林菲尔德基督教学校 介绍, 林菲尔德基督教学校, 林菲尔德基督教学校中学/高中/学院, , CA, 林菲尔德基督教学校评论 | FindingSchool
Besant Hill School
4.3 / 5 (19 点评)
Fairmont Private Schools
5.0 / 5 (5 点评)
EF Academy Pasadena
4.9 / 5 (7 点评)
Mater Dei High School
4.8 / 5 (10 点评)
性别 年份 年级 城市 来源院校 类型 托福 SSAT 案例提供
2024 9升10 广州 美初 Offer 迈润肯留学石老师
2022 9升9 大连 美高 Offer 迈润肯留学石老师
FS用户 顾问案例
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joannayidian@gmail.com 05/04/2022
5 / 5
林菲尔德学校是一所小班制的基督教学校,里面的老师都是基督教。所以学习氛围还有师生关系都很不错。如果学生希望能去一所基督教的学校,林菲尔德会是一个不错的选择。第一年来的林菲尔德的学生可以有额外的课后辅导,这也会对学生的成绩帮助很大。并且林菲尔德也有设立国际生部,里面也有一位会中文的老师。林菲尔德的国际部会不断帮助学生帮助,不论是学业还有住家的方面等等。并且学校也会有很多的活动,比如世界文化日,春节等等…作为一所私立学校,林菲尔德也有设立一些AP课程和Honor课程和很多其他课程比如乐队,美术,摄影等等。 我觉得林菲尔德最大的亮点就是这是一所基督教学校,并且有小班制和国际生部。
匿名用户 05/03/2022
5 / 5
lhe@student.linfield.com 05/03/2022
4 / 5

最新长评 全部11个长评 ⟩⟩ 所有点评均由用户提供,仅代表该用户观点。FindingSchool无法核实也不能保证其真实性。

[学术方面] I have the opportunity to take AP classes, Honors, Dual Enrollments (with Concordia Nebraska), which have prepared me immensely to succeed at University of Toronto. Since we have a smaller student body, all kids can be taken care of in terms of college counseling. All juniors and seniors are required to have a minimum of 2 counseling meetings per semester with their designated counselor. I took on a heavy course load, however, students have the flexibility to select the courses they would like. [生活方面] The international office is serious about student safety. I got my driver’s license, however, I was not granted permission to drive without a family member in U.S.. The international office consists of an academic advisor that is exclusively in charge of international students’ academic performance, she checks students’ grades every week and provides after-school tutoring twice a week. Apart from an academic advisor, the office is also equipped with a Chinese admission officer who communicates with parents a and host families. Our director oversees everything including our events such as World Culture Day, etc. [申请方面] When I was applying for Linfield, a TOEFL test was required. The general admission rate and specific admission rate for Chinese applicants can be found on Linfield’s website, which is around 75%. For new international students, there is a compulsory orientation program that takes place usually in mid-august. It is International Student Leadership’s duty to run the program. International Student Leadership consists of both domestic students and international students who applied and passed the interview with the director of the International Office. [住家方面] I was hosted through my agency, however, Linfield provides their own home-stay program. [课外活动和社团] Over the course of my three-year experience at Linfield, I was involved in Student Ambassador, International Leadership Team, Debate, Tennis. I also created Coffee Club. Tennis team is always open for all students, the tryout determines the ranking and matchups for the games. Not only has Debate built me up profoundly in improving my articulation skills, but also confidence in public speaking.

5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
加小助手: fsmeigao2019
走读 6-12
类型 混校
位置 郊区
ESL 不提供
学费 $30,500
人数 1129
师生比 1:14
国际生 10%
高教比 60%
SAT 1200
建校年份 1936年
接受成绩 Duolingo- 6th: 70, 9th: 85; TOEFL Jr.- 6th: 750
面试方式 在校面试, 来华面试, 其他, Zoom
校园面积 100英亩
班级大小 19
宗教关系 基督教
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4.8 / 5 (9 点评)
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学校视频 (1)
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