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关于North Raleigh Christian Academy这个学校 ,我今年是交换生11年级 打算申请为12年级 可是这个学校要怎么申请 需要托福成绩吗?

babypo 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2016-12-10 01:50:22
  • 官方回答
    Susan Dial Admissions Director 招生主任
    原文:Thank you for your interest in our school. We do not typically accept 11th or 12th grade International students. Where are you in school now? Would you need a host family? I would need to see your transcripts from both American and Chinese high school to see if we could even possibly admit you and graduate you with the classes you still need to take. If you need a host family, you would then have to apply through New Oasis International Education (newoasisedu.com) agency. We only accept students from China through that agency. Answer my questions and send me your grades and I will let you know if you should contact New Oasis or not.
  • 庄稼把式 中级顾问
  • 航海图Jean 中级顾问
    说句不客气的话, 11年纪了这些东西应该自己去学校网站上, 或跟学校联系找信息.
