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1896***5686 通过 网站 提问于2018-03-12 15:41:23
  • 回答于09/30/2019
    Unfortunately, thinking that Delphian is a religious school is a misconception that happens from time to time. Delphian is not connected to any religion. Sometimes it is thought that because we use the study technology of L. Ron Hubbard that we must be connected to the Church of Scientology which he founded. Delphian is not connected to Scientology or to any other religion. Our connection to Hubbard’s writings are strictly related to his very progressive work in the subjects of effective learning and teaching. Hubbard was an innovator in this areas. These have no religious content. Mr. Hubbard was the founder of a religious philosophy but he also researched and wrote extensively on many secular subjects: communication, leadership, logic, ethics, etc. Over more than a 30-year period, he researched the subjects of study, learning, and teaching and he developed extensive technology for improving student comprehension. Delphian does not require any religious belief or practice from its students. We have students attending with no religious interest or belief as well as students from a wide cross-section of religious backgrounds: Muslims from Saudi Arabia, Buddhists from Japan, Christians from the USA, Jews from Israel, etc. just as you would find in almost any international boarding school in American. Delphian does offer a comparative religion course to students in their senior year with deals with Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Judaism. It is a college level comparative religion course. It requires no belief or practice. It is intended to help develop a broad understanding of the beliefs of other cultures and improve tolerance of the beliefs of others that may be different than one’s own.

    不幸的是,认为Delphian是一所宗教学校是一种经常发生的误解。Delphian与任何宗教都无关。有时人们认为,由于我们使用了L. Ron Hubbard的研究技术,我们必须与他创立的山达基教会有联系。Delphian与山达基或任何其他宗教都无关。我们与哈伯德作品的联系,与他在有效学习和教学方面非常进步的工作密切相关。哈伯德是这方面的创新者。这些都没有宗教内容。哈伯德先生是一种宗教哲学的创始人,但他也对许多世俗学科进行了广泛的研究和写作:沟通、领导、逻辑、道德等等。在30多年的时间里,他研究了学习、教学和教学科目,并开发了广泛的技术来提高学生的理解力。Delphian不要求学生有任何宗教信仰或实践。我们有没有宗教兴趣或信仰的学生,也有来自不同宗教背景的学生:来自沙特阿拉伯的穆斯林、来自日本的佛教徒、来自美国的基督徒、来自以色列的犹太人等等,就像你在美国几乎任何国际寄宿学校都能看到的那样。Delphian确实为大四学生开设了一门比较宗教课程,内容涉及伊斯兰教、基督教、佛教、道教、儒教和犹太教。这是一门大学级别的比较宗教课程。它不需要信仰或实践。它的目的是帮助发展对其他文化的信仰的广泛理解,并提高对其他不同于自己的信仰的宽容。



    我的女儿也在Delphian学习三年,现在加入了学生会,每天很多事要做,学习、劳动;在Delphian 每天都要劳动,学生要参加不同的劳动项目,对孩子的自理能力、主动参与、相互配合、责任心非常有帮助,学校没有替学生打扫宿舍卫生、楼道、厕所卫生的职工,这些都需要学生每天拿出一点时间来做,从而养成孩子很好的生活习惯;孩子的课余时间学校会有很多安排供学生选择,每天忙忙碌碌,跟孩子通话听孩子说“刚干完活,在休息,听听音乐”我就问她“你干什么活啊?”“今周末,要检查宿舍卫生,我跟室友一起刚打扫完,休息一会还要去学生会开会,要总结这周的工作,时间到啦,回来再聊吧!”
