托福成绩:- | SSAT成绩:- | 当前年级:- | 申请年级:- | 面试:- |
首先祝贺女儿,拿到S和C的Offer,证明成绩和背景在大多学生中是脱颖而出的,从孩子的描述来看,去S和C区别不大,都是常春藤feeder school, 但有一点要清楚,这些学生里好多是legacy, 未来必定要面临同校竞争。有没有申B校?建议有可能的话参观一下学校,看学校的氛围女儿最喜欢哪所
斯兵塞学校 (The Spence School) --NY是一所非常好的子女走读学校,学业表现,升学成绩都是一流的。Chapin School规模稍小,且没有高中部。比较而言,The Spence School更理想一些,尤其是将来不想转寄宿高中的话。
如果你孩子很喜欢Stem,那么Spece优于Chapin,因为历史上Chapin的写作占优势,但是科学不占优势,Spence科学强多了,特别他们有Science Bowl俱乐部,参加这个比赛如果获得奖项等于是进入哈耶普的敲门砖。C and S are vigilant about behavior that could veer into meanness. All 2 have more academic resources than virtually any girl can transcend. None is especially comfortable for girls who can't keep up with the academic and behavioral expectations. None is a good school for a nonacademic girl.
When your child tours, she should be able to pick up differences in atmosphere that may be important to her. It's also a good idea to go one morning and watch the kids as they arrive at each of these schools. It may give you and your child some insight that both of you can't get from the tours. But honestly, you can't go wrong with any of them. 再次恭喜! -
这二所都是非常好的女校,都算是纽约的贵族学校。我建议最大的考虑因素是你们希望女儿在这所学校一直到念完高中(Spence School)还是初中毕业再申请一所美高(Chapin)?
看到所谓专业school counselor的回答,非常吃惊。连基本知识都缺乏,还连续有两个counselor 回答错了,这种水平让人看出这行业里的水分。