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请教Horace Mann、Dalton、Brearley和Spence如何选择。女孩,艺术好,也希望学校能开发孩子的STEM。请问老师各学校的强项和劣势分别是什么?谢谢!

Lv Lavinia 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2021-03-09 01:11:04
  • 回答于03/10/2021
    您好:这四所学校从学术和STEM上,肯定是Horace Mann是最好的,该校的资源很棒。Spence的艺术和领导力项目不错,大学升学走向也很好。
  • 回答于03/09/2021
  • 回答于03/09/2021
  • 回答于03/10/2021

    After Horace Mann, college was easy. At 13 and 14 I learned organizational, time management, and study skills that many of my peers were still struggling with in their senior year of college. Admittedly, I was pretty miserable while these skills were being drilled into me. However, over the long term, the work ethic I learned at Horace Mann has been extremely valuable. Horace Mann has a strong academic program in the humanities and hard sciences. Performance and visual arts are views as 'fun' activities rather than real subjects. This distinction says a lot about the student body. HMer's are interested in traditional styles of teaching and learning. Anything that seems in anyway 'alternative' or new aged is quickly dismissed as fluff. Generally, classes are 12-20 students. In certain subjects, such as foreign language, classes are often as small as 5. On average, I expected an hour of work per subject each night. Since most students take 5 classes that meet 4 times a week, 4-5 hours a night is a reasonable expectation. However, I also remember having courses with only 10 pages of reading a night. The ninth grade writing program is definitely a highlight. This program gave me a solid grounding in expository writing. You can never write TOO well, so you might as well start-out writing a bit well. 找机会再写吧。
  • 回答于03/22/2021
    Horace Mann。声誉比其他的好不少。
