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请问想8升9申请Lakeside School-WA这个学校的话,一般需要具备什么样的条件呢?每年9年级大概有多少名额,录取比例是多少?

alice时²⁰²² 通过 网站 提问于2022-12-15 16:39:20
  • 回答于12/20/2022

    首先,您的孩子是否需要 I-20, 如果需要 I-20的话,在2022-2023年度,学校不签发 I-20给学生。2023-2024 是否恢复签发 I-20 给国际学生,需要联系学校确认一下。


    Reading: 24
    Listening: 22
    Speaking: 25
    Writing: 24
    通常九年级有60-65 spaces。
    We do not share our acceptance rate. Knowing any school's acceptance rate adds to anxiety for students and families in an admission process, and it does not give any information about who Lakeside admits. Lakeside's admission and financial aid team responds to the needs of the school (see: the response to how we make admissions decisions), and this means we look for different things each year based on what we need to balance the grade. We encourage you to register for an Admissions at Lakeside webinar with Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Wellesley Wilson to hear more about how Lakeside makes admissions decisions each year.
  • 回答于01/04/2023
    作为比尔盖茨的母校,Lakeside也算是走读学校里边的大牛校了,门槛固然是不低的。针对有想8申9,9年级的算是该校的Upper School的entry point了,关于名额的情况,学校有明确的说明:
    Upper School

    9th grade - 60-65 spaces
    10th grade - 0-2 spaces*
    11th grade - 0-2 spaces*
    12th grade - 0 spaces

    可见9年级是最优的申请年级了,过了9年级,基本上就比较困难了,名额都是零星的,学校还补了一句话:*availability based on attrition. 所以9年级可以好好争取。

    关于学校的要求,其实美国高中在选拔学生的时候,选拔的原则和模式跟美国本科是一样的,采用的都是Holistic Admissions Review的选拔模式,不会只看单一的某一个参数,还是要从学术能力、特长、爱好、personality等方面来综合评估的,包括你目前所在学校的performance等等都会全部列入考虑范围,当然,最后重要的肯定就是跟学校的right fit了,这个是需要好好给孩子做头脑风暴梳理闪光点,从我历年申请和录取的学生来看,该校还是很注重对于学生的competence的培养的,所以如何跟学校的competence培养模式相匹配,是肯考验顾问老师的经验值的。

    International applicants, to all grade levels, must take the TOEFL iBT if the primary language of instruction at the applicant’s current academic institution is not English. We do not accept the TOEFL Jr. Lakeside looks closely at the score for each section rather than the total. The internet-based TOEFL exam (iBT) has four subsections, with a grading scale for each section from 1 to 30 (30 being the best possible score).

    The minimum for each section are as follows:

    Reading: 24
    Listening: 22
    Speaking: 25
    Writing: 24

