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请问Oakwood Friends School中国学生多吗?大学录取怎样?

lucyli 通过 网站 提问于2014-03-15 23:08:00
  • 官方回答
    Marisa Parra 助理招生官


    2.我们的学生每年都去很多不同的学校,如果有需要最新的大学录取资料,可以上我们的网站查询,我们学校所在的附近有很多大学,大部分国内的学生都会往那边去,如Marist, Vassar, SUNY New Paltz, DCC.一般来说国际学生会去下列的大学:RPI, Boston University, FIT, MIT, NYU, Rutgers, etc.
    原文:1. Right now we have about 27 percent Chinese Students at our school

    2. Our students go to many different colleges every year. If you would like an updated list of students and where they are going this year they will post a new list for our graduating seniors within the next couple weeks on our website. You can find this information by clicking Upper School, find College Counseling and scroll down to find the college list. 2103 . We are in a place with many colleges nearby so we tend to usually send our domestic students to these places: Marist, Vassar, SUNY New Paltz, DCC. Our International students could end up all over the country including schools like RPI, Boston University, FIT, MIT, NYU, Rutgers, etc.
  • CG 中级顾问
    据统计,2007-2011年段,Oakwood Friends School国际学生比例是36%,亚洲人占27%。欧克中学创办于1796年,教学宗旨是培养学生进入美国前100名大学。2007-2011,进入美国前一百名的大学的录取学生是40人左右,最好的大学是排名17的埃莫瑞大学 (Emory University)。
