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チン 通过 网站 提问于2014-11-30 19:16:00
  • 小汤老师 中级顾问
    1. 没有100%的,最高就是99%
    2. 这个很难统计,但是都是凤毛麟角的
  • 回答于12/02/2014
    Percentile is a relative measurement against the group of people who participate in the same test. Assume you are the only one who scored full marks in SSAT, then everyone else are below you in the 99% of the population which gives you the 99 percentile ranking. However, if I also scored full marks in the same test, then you and I are the top and we are both at 99 percentile. On the contrary, even if I tested well and got 90% of the questions correct, but unfortunately in that particular SSAT test, EVERYONE scored higher than me, then I am at 0 percentile! It is difficult to say how many students or Chinese students scores 99 percentile in each test or year because it all depends on how many achieve the same scores.
  • 回答于12/01/2014
  • 航海图Jean 中级顾问
    个人认为纠结这些数字没有什么意义, 因为99%不等于你的机会比95%,甚至比90%的多. 中国家长首先要摆脱分数跟机会成正比的概念. 分数必须够用,但过了门槛大家都一样了, 门槛是必要条件但不是充分条件.

    总的来讲, SSAT难度不高, 在美国的孩子聪明一点做两套题都能考得非常高. 朋友一个孩子考过满分,六个学校也只录了两个. 但对中国孩子因为语言的不同是另一个故事. 如果再想证明你的潜力, 就去考SAT, 如果能考到2200+ 也许会让人眼亮的

