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迪尔 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2017-02-03 21:31:53
  • 最佳回答
    一起英语 刘震 中级顾问
    就像其他几位专家说的,基本都需要SSAT和TOEFL Junior考试的成绩。前者需要孩子有非常高的、适配ssat考试的专门词汇、文学阅读分析能力和数学能力,以及写作(虽然不计入总成绩);而托福则是考察对语言本身的运用能力,从读、听、写三个方面进行考察,词汇要求比ssat词汇门槛要低一些。SSAT基本上都需要进行专门学习,如果孩子SLEP成绩不错,可以先考一次托福Junior试试看
  • 回答于02/05/2017
    可以考虑美国junior boarding school,是非常棒的学校,我今天刚刚走访了bement school这所顶级寄宿初中,就在顶级牛校Deerfield 的学校边上,我开车就3分钟不到的车程,这些顶级寄宿初中没有高中部,所以申请上美国TOP50的高中非常的多,您的孩子目前欠缺的是时间轴,需要好好规划一下,slep难度太低了,美国的好学校基本不认可了,需要好好准备托福junior和SSAT,是非常重要的,另外就是匹配孩子的特长和爱好了,希望有机会可以帮到孩子,加油
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中级顾问
  • KK妈妈 读者
  • 回答于02/04/2017
  • 回答于02/04/2017
  • 回答于02/10/2017
    What was your score for the Slep Test? Some boarding schools require applicants who have 58+ SLEP score to provide TOEFL or SSAT scores, or to interview to determine whether the students' English proficiency and SLEP results are consistent. We will need more information to provide you with the best recommendation.

    US schools stress BOTH academics as well as extracurricular activities. They want students who are well rounded and have the followings:
    High level of English
    -Good grades
    -Good test scores
    -Outstanding extracurricular activities
    -Good interview
    -Good essays

    They would also like to see students who have initiative, have leadership skills, are able to make friends easily, is strong academically, and speaks and write English well.

    To prepare for the interviews, read more English books and watch a lot of US TV, talk to a lot of students who are native English speakers, go to summer school, etc.
