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女孩,8升9。请问该如何从DA和Hotchkiss这两所学校选择?DA名声不错,但在最近niche对所有私高排名和Hotchkiss差别还挺大(36 vs. 5)。大家知道DA为何最近排名下滑吗?谢谢!

FS用户 通过 网站 提问于2021-03-16 10:02:01
托福成绩:- SSAT成绩:- 当前年级:8 申请年级:9 面试:-
  • 回答于03/17/2021
    家长你仔细查看一下Prepreview的对哈耶普斯芝的录取比例两个是基本一致,尽管排名Hotchkiss 在第五,DA在第10,但是基本一致。另外给几个家长的评语,供你参考:
    My daughter is a junior at Deerfield and swims as well. She's white but her closest friends are from all backgrounds. She revisited at Hotchkiss and I'd say Deerfield is more diverse.

    FWIW, when I was interviewing at another school last summer, I met an athlete from Hong Kong who was gushing about Deerfield. He had just come out of the Deerfield summer program - loved the school, loved the people. was so excited to maybe go there, as an international summer student, he just loved his Deerfield experience.

    one of the reasons we decided on Deerfield was because of its diversity and the number of international students. It’s a smaller to mid-size school, so it may seem on first glance that there are fewer international students or Asian students compared to other schools like PEA or PA because there are fewer students in total at DA. One of the wonderful traditions at DA is their seated meals. You are assigned to a table during several meals per week (not seats) every 5 or 6 weeks, where you sit with students across nationalities, ages, and culture. My kiddo has become friends with students in different grades and from different countries thanks to this tradition. This eliminates (IMHO) kids bunching up by cliques at every meal.

    Hope this helps. 再次恭喜你的孩子!
  • 回答于03/17/2021
  • 回答于03/17/2021

  • 回答于03/17/2021
  • 回答于03/17/2021
  • 回答于03/17/2021
  • powerful 读者
    可以看一下这个排名:https://polarislist.com/best-private-high-schools-in-america ,这个是以高中学校拿到哈佛,普林斯顿,MIT三个学校录取的总人数来排名学校的综合实力,DA排名第4,Hotchkiss排名15。美国本地学生家长更看重这个排名,硬指标。

  • 回答于03/19/2021
