莱蒙曼哈顿预备学校 Leman Manhattan Preparatory School
B 4.9 / 5 (11 点评)
A+ 升学
A 学术
A- 课外
A+ 地理社区
B 点评
NA 中国学生管理
三一学校 介绍, 三一学校, 三一学校中学/高中/学院, , NY, 三一学校评论 | FindingSchool
Poly Prep Country Day School
5.0 / 5 (12 点评)
Blair Academy
5.0 / 5 (46 点评)
The Storm King School
4.3 / 5 (50 点评)
EF Academy - New York
4.6 / 5 (41 点评)
1 普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University) 1
2 麻省理工大学 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 1
3 哈佛大学 (Harvard College) 1
3 斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 1
3 耶鲁大学 (Yale University) 1
6 芝加哥大学 (University of Chicago) 1
7 约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) 1
7 宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania) 1
9 加州理工大学 (California Institute of Technology) 1
10 杜克大学 (Duke University) 1
10 美国西北大学 (Northwestern University) 1
12 达特茅斯学院 (Dartmouth College) 1
13 布朗大学 (Brown University) 1
15 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 (Washington University in St. Louis) 1
17 康奈尔大学 (Cornell University) 1
18 哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University) 1
20 加州大学伯克利分校 (University of California: Berkeley) 1 人以上
22 卡内基梅隆大学 (Carnegie Mellon University) 1 人以上
22 艾默里大学 (Emory University) 1
22 乔治城大学 (Georgetown University) 1
25 纽约大学 (New York University) 1 人以上
25 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan) 1 人以上
25 南加州大学 (University of Southern California) 1 人以上
25 弗吉尼亚大学 (University of Virginia) 1 人以上
32 塔夫茨大学 (Tufts University) 1 人以上
36 波士顿学院 (Boston College) 1
44 凯斯西储大学 (Case Western Reserve University) 1
44 东北大学 (Northeastern University) 1
44 图兰大学 (Tulane University) 1 人以上
51 利哈伊大学 (Lehigh University) 1
51 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 (Purdue University) 1
51 伦斯勒理工学院 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 1
55 迈阿密大学 (University of Miami) 1
62 乔治华盛顿大学 (George Washington University) 1
72 美国大学 (American University) 1
72 福德汉姆大学 (Fordham University) 1
72 南卫理公会大学 (Southern Methodist University) 1
77 纽约州立大学石溪分校 (SUNY University at Stony Brook) 1
89 德克萨斯基督教大学 (Texas Christian University) 1
97 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 (University of Illinois at Chicago) 1
性别 年份 年级 城市 来源院校 类型 托福 SSAT 案例提供
2021 PreK升K 美国 其他海外 就读 InAmerica在美国际教育
2021 6升7 加拿大 其他海外 就读 95%以上 InAmerica在美国际教育
2021 K升K 美国 其他海外 就读 InAmerica在美国际教育
2021 5升6 美国 私立 就读 InAmerica在美国际教育
FS用户 顾问案例
最新短评 全部7个短评 ⟩⟩ 所有点评均由用户提供,仅代表该用户观点。FindingSchool无法核实也不能保证其真实性。
Trinity School是纽约历史最悠久的私立学校,也是入学申请竞争最激烈的院校之一。学校在数学竞赛、象棋比赛、机器人、游泳及其他体育项目中均有出色表现。该校主要的入学年级为Kindergarten,6年级和9年级。纽约时报曾报道,2011年756名学生申请该校Kindergarten,争夺62个入学名额。其中Trinity在校生的弟弟妹妹获得33个优先入学机会,Trinity的校友子女获得11个入学资格,学校老师子女获得一个名额,外部家庭仅获得17个名额,入学机率为2.4%。
留学美国网-石老师 12/10/2015
5 / 5
Trinity School位于纽约州的纽约市,建于1709年,为美国的第五所最老的学校。Trinity School包含从幼儿园到高中十二年级。二零零七年有116名毕业生,其中有20名进入华尔街日报八大名校,比例为17%,常青藤 斯坦福 MIT录取率高达47%。每年学费$30120.00。Trinity School曾多次被《华尔街日报》评价为美国最好的三所学校之一。Trinity School由全美最强的拉丁语的训练,超过半数的学生学习拉丁语,每年有几十名学生参加全美作文竞赛获奖。 学校排名: TBS私立走读高中排名:1 2010年福布斯国家中学排名NO.1 一直位居纽约时报最佳高中前10 师资力量超强:20%的老师具有博士学位,其余的老师百分之百具有硕士学位!
海外用户 07/06/2015
3 / 5

最新长评 全部1个长评 ⟩⟩ 所有点评均由用户提供,仅代表该用户观点。FindingSchool无法核实也不能保证其真实性。

[学术方面] I am the Vice President of Trinity Tutoring. The people are who make Trinity what it is; our teachers are the heart of our school, and it's also the connections and relationships I form with my peers that will be the most important take-away from this school for me. Academics at Trinity are highly rigorous. To graduate, we are required to complete 4 years of English, 3 years of History, 3 years of Math, and 2 years of Science. For sophomores, we usually have 4-6 hours of homework. Like what I had previously stated, the relationships between students at Trinity is one of my favorite aspects of this school. Our school fosters a healthy competitive atmosphere, while at the same time, Trinity students are very close and help each other succeed. Our teachers can become very close to students, often becoming friends or mentors for life. We hold monthly advising meetings, so advisors are very attentive to our progress and adjustment to high school. 47% of our seniors go on to an Ivy League school, and 80% go to top schools in the nation. [生活方面] The cafeteria at Trinity is very good, and there are many restaurants around school that students are allowed to eat at. Shopping is extremely convenient in Manhattan. Parents and teachers communicate mainly through TigerWeb. I can't be sure about parents who may have difficulty communication in English, but I would assume there would be a translator. Wifi is open all day. New York can get very cold during the winter and very hot during the summer; our school usually blasts the air conditioning/heat though, so that should not be a concern! [申请方面] I had an on-campus interview. [课外活动和社团] Please visit our school website at trinityschoolnyc.org We have 48 clubs at our school, and 52 community service clubs. Some of the most prominent include; Model UN, various Affinity groups, Math Club, Academic Quiz Bowl, Sports Addicts society, Music Lovers, Unicef, and even some crazier ones like the Chocolate Lovers Club,the Sign Language club, and the French Glee Singing Club!And of course, our club:) (Trinity Tutoring) If you participate in a sport at Trinity, you are allowed P.E. exemption. As for additional expenses, it depends on the sport. For example, track and field will be less expensive than golf.

5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
匿名用户 10/02/2014 查看全文
2021年, 该顾问成功帮助一位来自其他海外学校美国男生录取三一学校!
托福 无 SSAT 无 PreK升K
加小助手: fsmeigao2019
走读 K-12
类型 混校
位置 城市
ESL 没有
学费 $58,495
人数 997
师生比 1:6
国际生 0%
高教比 74%
SAT 1525
建校年份 1709年
接受成绩 ISEE
面试方式 在校面试
校园面积 54英亩
班级大小 12
校友基金 $ 74,223/人
宗教关系 主教
The Knox School
4.8 / 5 (31 点评)
The Stony Brook School
4.6 / 5 (49 点评)
查看更多国际版本:英语, 越南语, 韩语.
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