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请问老师Vermont,Gould,San Domenico,New Hampton School,Cheshire,Cushing,Canterbury哪个比较好?喜欢snowboarding,history和economic。

bonaba 通过 iPhone应用 提问于2022-04-04 09:46:55
  • 官方回答
    Nathan Wright Director

    Thank you for asking such an excellent question! Although I cannot speak much about the other schools, I can say that Cheshire Academy would have all that you are looking for (and more).

    We offer the IB Diploma Program, and also IB certificate programs which allow each student to select the courses AND rigor level that would be the best fit for them. All of our students, and especially those from China, go on to excellent colleges and Universities including many in the Ivy League, UC system, Vanderbilt, or Johns Hopkins.

    In terms of snowboarding, we have a mountain (Mt. Southington) that is about 15 minutes away and skiing/snowboarding is a Winter Activity if you so choose. While the mountain is small, it is closeby and they produce their own snow, so it would allow you to snowboard 3-4 times a week if you wished.

    Please feel free to contact me at nathan.wright@cheshireacademy.org. I would love to put you in touch with one of our current students (or recent alumni) so that you could hear from them what makes CA so special.

    Kind regards, and best of luck!

    Nathan Wright
  • 回答于04/08/2022

    如果都拿到了Offer的话,我个人推荐 Canterbury, 这个学校的体育不错。
